M&Sense Ring

Top: Mint, Clementine
Middle: Eucalyptus, Cyclamen
Base: Geranium, Musk

Wisteria Whisper
TOP: Jasmine, Strawberry
Middle: White Flowers, Orange Flower
Base: Ylang-Ylang, Sweet

Golden Tulips&Easter Lily
Top:  Lilac, Lily
Middle: Jasmine, Tulip
Base: Mus

Pumpkin Lantern
Top: Cinnamon, Gingerbread
Middle: Gourmand, Cake
Base: Vanilla, Powdery

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Mail: info@m-sense.com
Telephone: 86-512-68717391
Address: No.16 Plant, No.666, Jianlin Rd, Export
Processing Zone, SND, Jiangsu,
China, 215151


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